Blessed Moon Artifacts

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My backyard....

I had to share this beautiful moment with you - I'm not a big fan of snow.... but I do like trains...and I am fortunate enough to have a train track in my back yard.  I get to see trains going by maybe once a day, sometimes a few days pass and nothing.  Sometimes OLD trains come by and sometimes the Circus trains comes by and park down a ways and walks their animals to the Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes Barre, PA to their circus show area.  

I've always liked trains, and fortunately these are not too loud.  My Mom (R.I.P 8-1-2006) lived in Brady, NE for a while (I travelled there to be there with her and take care of her in 2005 when she had surgery on what was to be her demise -- her colon cancer....) She lived right near a train track which was really cool, but wow were those trains noisy! And they came through a lot!  I like my trains, they are infrequent, quiet and remind me of my Mom.... ( before the train came....)

Anyway... here's some photos of the train that came through today.  It has such a romantic look to it, doesn't it?  (ps... these photos are the property of Valerie Arena, may not be used or reproduced without permission.)  They will likely show up in some form in my Etsy shop... =)  I opened the window of my studio and leaned out to get these pictures. (just the start of it)


Anonymous said...

These are the COOLEST pictures. WOW!

Blessed Moon Artifacts said...

yea brrrrr ha ha

laughingfridge said...

Beautiful! Are you ever tempted to hop on one of the trains and have an adventure, lol?

Knotty Thoughts said...

What a beautiful picture. I wouldn't have seen the train if you hadn't pointed it out.

Mel said...

It took me a minute to realize that the white thing with the stars wasn't a train! Lovely photos though!

P.S. I found you in one of the etsy blog threads, looking for followers, so I'm following you. :D

customdesigns4ubynan said...

I finally see the train, on the
3rd picture, went back and watched its progress. I like trains, too. I'm one of the Sat Blog Shoppers, that's how I found you. I'm a day late posting mine, really appreciate you looking and commenting. Thanks!